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Cholesterol Does Not Cause Disease


Cholesterol Does Not Cause Disease

"Lowering serum cholesterol concentrations does not reduce mortality and is unlikely to prevent coronary heart disease. Claims of the opposite are based on preferential citations of supportive trials.

The cholesterol theory reminds me of a story from the Middle Ages. Various scientists discussed how many teeth a horse has in its mouth. They quoted from the Bible and the Greek philosophers–but no one looked into a horse’s mouth!

Our medical professionals act in a similar way. They don’t mind that diabetics lose their gangrenous legs and their eyesight. They don’t mind that women lose their breasts. They don’t mind opening the chests of heart disease patients and implanting animal protein in the heart muscle. Instead, by sticking to obsolete beliefs to ensure that their jobs are secure in a "health care" system that does not keep us healthy. It also ensures the business of "further research."

Cholesterol Myth

North Americans like to be scared by being told that their cholesterol intake is a health hazard, although cholesterol by itself is not a killer. The body needs, produces and keeps certain levels of it-because it’s vitally important.

About 10 per cent of the dry weight of the brain is cholesterol. It’s a basic raw material for vitamin D, hormones and cell membranes. It keeps cell membranes functioning properly. If the membranes contain too little "good" cholesterol, they become too fluid and fall apart. If they contain too much cholesterol, they become stiff and break. Udo Erasmus says that "according to nutritional theory, the measurement of blood cholesterol is a fad." (Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill, alive Books.)

The Department of Agriculture supports this view unknowingly through its statistics. Compilations show that "the cholesterol consumption of 500 mg in 1985 was about the same as in 1909 to 1913 when it was 520 mg. Its peak was in 1945 with 610 mg."

High Blood Pressure Not A Disease

Why have North Americans in 1909 and in 1945 been afflicted with fewer food-related diseases than in 1985 and onwards?

  • A Japanese study in rural communities showed that where cholesterol levels were below 180 mg/dl, the rates of stroke were two to three times higher than in areas with higher cholesterol.

  • French researchers found that the risk of cancer began to climb steadily as cholesterol levels fell below 200 mg/dl, the level the Heart Institute calls "desirable." Low cholesterol levels are also associated with gallstones.

  • The Framingham Study of Risk Factors, which was conducted from 1949 to 1969, concluded that; "Recent evidence suggests that total cholesterol is a poor indicator of (the risk of) heart attacks."

Obviously there is nothing inherently wrong with cholesterol.

Benefits of Blood Pressure

Our researchers should read the information available to them such as studies by the German medical doctor, professor and scientist Dr Lothar Wendt. They would then realize that a higher than normal blood pressure is a necessity if the blood and the basal membranes of the capillaries of the walls of arteries are thickened by stored excess animal protein. The excess animal protein stored in the walls of blood vessels narrows the diameter of the blood vessels. A higher than "normal" blood pressure is necessary to press the same volume of blood through the narrowed blood vessels. This sustains life by providing the same quantity of blood to the tissues and cells behind the capillaries. It feeds the cells and takes care of the disposal of cellulite metabolic waste.

Increasing Oxygen

Another effect of stored excess animal protein is that it thickens the blood by thickening the red blood cells. Thickened red blood cells increase the viscosity of the blood and require an additional increase of the blood pressure to make the blood flow.

The red blood cells contain hemoglobin and carry oxygen to the cells and tissues. They also carry carbon dioxide to the respiratory organs. One result of thickened basal membranes is that it takes the oxygen molecules a longer time to pass through them. The cells experience a lack of oxygen. That’s why the body increases the number of red blood cells.

The compensatory augmentation of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells increases the viscosity of the blood and the volume of its packed cells. This in turn continuously reduces the speed of the blood stream. The final result is that less oxygen arrives at the cells than before the compensation. Medication against high blood pressure worsens this condition.

That’s why Dr M. O. Bruker, who practiced nutrition-oriented medicine in Germany for over 60 years and has records of over 60,000 patients, says it’s a lie to tell people that high blood pressure kills them. He says nobody dies from it and that high blood pressure is an indication that stored excess animal protein has thickened the blood, the basal membranes of capillaries and the walls of the arteries. A higher than normal blood pressure is a necessity and not a disease.

Why should you artificially bring down high blood pressure by medication if the body needs a higher than normal blood pressure? Does the medication against hypertension remove the cause of it? Does it remove the stored excess animal protein from the walls of arteries, basal membranes of the capillaries and the blood? Does medication make hypertension unnecessary? No. It does not.

Medication against high blood pressure tries to treat a symptom. Even the American Health Association (AHA) admits that "dietary and lifestyle changes may help control high blood pressure." But AHA sticks to its obsolete belief that "the cause of 90 to 95 per cent of the cases of high blood pressure isn’t known."

Can they cure it if they don’t understand what causes it? Why treat it at all with medication? A cure would be the removal of the cause for the necessity of hypertension by removing the stored excess protein through proper diet and nutrition.



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Kenny BodanisKenny Bodanis