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alive’s April 2021 Challenge: Cook for Immune Health

Let's Get Cooking ...


alive’s April 2021 Challenge: Cook for Immune Health

Hey there, did you get your meditation on in March?

Next up? In April, we challenge you to cook for immune health. This is more than just an excuse to put beloved immune-boosting ingredients like ginger and garlic in EVERYTHING. This is your chance to appreciate how the foods you eat can support your immunity.

Let’s protect our health, one meal at a time.

As you probably know by now, each week of alive’s 12 Months of Wellness focuses on one mini goal as a stepping stone toward the bigger monthly objective. You’ll find the weekly focuses with key tips below. You can also download, screenshot, or print out our PDF calendar with daily to-dos.

alive’s April 2021 Challenge: Cook for Immune Health

alive’s April 2021 Challenge: Cook for Immune Health


April 1-10: Choose anti-inflammatory foods

alive’s April 2021 Challenge: Cook for Immune Health


April 11-17: Eat the rainbow

  • Shop for fruits and veggies in diverse colors, such as red, orange, yellow, white, green, and purple.
  • Start the day with a colorful (read: antioxidant-packed) smoothie.
  • Let your kids help pick out veggies of at least two colors for dinner.

alive’s April 2021 Challenge: Cook for Immune Health


April 18-24: Add superfoods

  • Top your oatmeal with super seeds like chia, hemp, or flax.
  • Check out the freezer section for nutritional superstars like blueberries and acai.
  • Try something new and exciting, like goji berries, moringa, or spirulina.

alive’s April 2021 Challenge: Cook for Immune Health


April 25-May 1: Consider supplements


Psst … Did you know we’re giving away fab prize packs for each 12 Months of Wellness challenge, and you’re automatically entered to win just because you subscribe to this newsletter? Congrats to the winner of our February gift basket: Amber of Alberta!



Love on the Brain

Love on the Brain

Joanne PetersJoanne Peters