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Cleanse With Colon Therapy


The November 2000 issue of the German Geo magazine created waves in the health-care community when it claimed the following scientific fact: The human body carries more nerve cells in the gut than all of the central nervous system! No wonder the Chinese have called the abdominal area the "hara," which means the centre and brain of the body, for thousands of years

The November 2000 issue of the German Geo magazine created waves in the health-care community when it claimed the following scientific fact: The human body carries more nerve cells in the gut than all of the central nervous system! No wonder the Chinese have called the abdominal area the "hara," which means the centre and brain of the body, for thousands of years. And in this all-important area of the body sits the colon, an organ that has been largely ignored or tabooed for far too long.

The colon is the end portion of the human digestive tract. It is approximately 1.5 metres (five feet) long and five centimetres (two inches) in diameter. Its major functions are the elimination of wastes, the conservation of water and the reabsorption of electrolyte minerals and valuable nutrients.

Nature intended us to have our bowels move after every meal. Instead, many of us have become satisfied with one or less bowel movements per day. It is estimated that the average North American carries between five to 15 pounds of old waste material such as impacted feces, dead cellular tissue and accumulated mucus that may host a multitude of parasites, worms and yeasts, especially when combined with antibiotics in food and/or medicine. This buildup of material on the colon wall inhibits muscle action, causing sluggish bowel movements and slow transit time. If allowed to persist, this can also manifest in conditions such as sinus problems, headaches, backaches, arthritis, fatigue, bad breath, body odour, skin blemishes, abdominal distress, nausea, dizziness, irritability, confusion, and last but not least, brain fog.

It is here where colonics come to the rescue by offering a method of gentle, internal flushing. If used regularly, colonics rid the lower intestines of the impacted material and impurities and help to clear up associated health problems.

The history of internal hydro cleansing goes as far back as ancient Egypt. In the early 1900s in North America, nurses generally performed colon hydrotherapy on patients in doctors' offices. However, with the onset of over-the-counter drugs, laxatives for constipation became the norm. Now a renewed interest in this effective treatment is on the rise.

In Canada, most professional offices use the gravity flow method, performed as follows: A client lies on a reclining table wrapped in a gown and a towel. The emphasis is on privacy. A small proctor syringe is inserted in the rectum by the therapist or by yourself, if you prefer. Connected to the proctor syringe are two hoses. One comes from an elevated tank from which warm purified water flows into the colon. The other carries all waste directly into the drain line. The treatment generally lasts 45 to 55 minutes. In this time, 20 to 30 gallons of water are flushed through the colon. Some cramping may occur, especially when there are trapped gases, but this is usually followed by the release of a substantial amount of material. The trained therapist performs gentle abdominal massage, feeling out possible blockages in the colon and large intestines to stimulate the easy release of clogged material.

Colon therapy is a very safe and effective treatment provided you follow some basic rules. Make sure your chosen colon therapist was trained in a well-recognized establishment. In Canada, there are two schools. You will also want a therapist who is willing and able to answer all your questions and develop an individualized treatment plan. Most colon therapists agree, to obtain results of lasting benefits, a series of colonics must be undertaken, often repeatedly.

There are some health conditions, such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease or after abdominal surgery, that require refraining from colonics for fear of infection. Although each patient is different, if you have never had colonics before, do not start a series of colonics while pregnant for general safety's sake.

If you cannot find a therapist in your area, or if you simply prefer this treatment in the privacy of your own home, there are also home colonic units on the market. These units utilize the same gravity flow method described above, and come with complete instructions.

As you venture into experiencing colon hydrotherapy, you will soon realize how any health program will be greatly enhanced by keeping the eliminative channels open and working! n

Colon Therapy Contacts

  • Natural Health Outreach Treatment and Education Center (Penticton, BC) at 250-492-7995.
  • Canadian Health and Healing Center (Toronto) at 416-537-9653 or


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