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Coming Clean in a Toxic World


Coming Clean in a Toxic World

Many of the purification rituals used in ancient cultures - water or juice fasts, herbal cleanses, and other more traditional approaches - may not effectively minimize our exposure to the thousands of chemicals in our world today.

Coming Clean in a Toxic World

Many of the purification rituals used in ancient cultures - water or juice fasts, herbal cleanses, and other more traditional approaches - may not effectively minimize our exposure to the thousands of chemicals in our world today. A cleansing approach that provides complete nutritional support for complex body processes is necessary.

What is Required for Effective Detoxification?

Once the body absorbs a toxin, a complex series of events must take place before the toxin is effectively and harmlessly eliminated. Any strategy intended to bring about effective detoxification must provide support for each of these physiological events in order for that strategy to be safe and effective. Water or juice fasting, as well as herbal cleansing programs, fail to support all of the links in the chain of detoxification. These strategies may stimulate cells to release stored toxins, putting them into circulation but failing to properly support the liver and gut in effectively eliminating toxins from the body. The "healing crisis" usually experienced during fasting or herbal cleanses is likely caused by the poisonous effects of circulating toxins rather than from any sort of healing phenomenon.

Applying Scientific Principles

Fortunately, sophisticated functional food products have evolved over the past several years to provide intensive and complete support for all of the body mechanisms involved in detoxification. Even though, in the 1970s, I was a great proponent of fasting and herbal cleanses, now I rely only on properly supported detoxification programs using functional food products designed for detoxification. These are products made with low-allergy protein from rice or golden pea that are designed to support complete and effective detoxification.

These proteins provide primary sustenance during a period of intensive detoxification. On this type of detoxification program, little or no "healing crisis" occurs; energy levels remain high during the program so normal activities can be maintained.

The benefits of this type of detoxification program are greater and more long lasting than any traditional fast or herbal "detox." With these advancements it is now possible for anyone to come clean in our toxic world and enjoy the tremendous health benefits from deep tissue cleansing.

Chain of Events for Effective Detoxification

Stimulate release of toxins from cells:

  • Effectively transport toxin to liver or kidneys
  • Process toxin for excretion
  • Protect liver, brain, and other organs from circulating toxins
  • Effectively release toxin-laden bile into intestine
  • Bind toxin in intestine to avoid reabsorption
  • Effectively eliminate toxins in stool


Metabolic Flexibility

Metabolic Flexibility

Shawn RadcliffeShawn Radcliffe