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Another chink in cell-phone armour comes from a Swedish study in the February 2003 issue of the International Journal of Oncolog.

The Cell-Phone Tumour Link

Another chink in cell-phone armour comes from a Swedish study in the February 2003 issue of the International Journal of Oncology. Researchers looked at 10 years of medical records for 1,600 cell-phone users diagnosed with brain tumours. They found those who spent one hour or more daily using cell phones had one-third (30 per cent) higher risk of developing acoustic neuroma, a rare brain tumour. The more cell phones were used, and the more years they were used, the higher the risk. Most tumours were on the side of the head nearest where the phone was held. This correlation held true for phones that were digital, old-style analogue and digital-enhanced cordless.

Meanwhile, the BC Cancer Agency announced that they are conducting a Canadian study on cell phones and cancerous tumours using people from Ottawa, Montreal and Southern BC. Results are not expected for another several years. Previous research has shown that cell phones affect memory and alter brain function.

Canadians Going Cell Phone Crazy

Percentage of Canadians who own a cell phone: 56

Daily minutes the average Canadian wireless chats: 19

Average monthly cellular bill: $41

Source: Fall 2002 survey by manufacturer Ericsson Canada

Free GE Video Viewing

Who can forget the court battle between Saskatchewan farmer Percy Schmeiser and the biotech-chemical company Monsanto? Now hear Schmeiser speak out in “Heartbreak in the Heartland: The True Cost of Genetically Engineered Crops, 2001,” a 26-minute video available for free download at Rodney Nelson, a US farmer also embroiled in a turf war with this genetic giant, joins Schmeiser to discuss farmers’ rights, corporate intimidation and environmental and health concerns. The video, edited from a presentation Schmeiser and Nelson did in Austin, Texas, is also available for sale through or by calling 512-303-1400.

Get involved!

Send a letter to your MP to lobby for public awareness and stricter regulations on GE food in Canada. Go to and click on “Lobbying Letters” to download one of our prewritten letters.

Protecting BC Naturopathy

An initiative that would severely limit naturopathy has upset many British Columbians who use complementary medicine. Unless the public speaks out, the BC government plans to remove naturopathic diagnosis, some food-based techniques, blood tests and intravenous treatments from naturopaths’ scope of practice.

"We’re deeply concerned about this because it represents one more assault on non-drug alternatives," says Lorna Hancock, executive director of Health Action Network Society, a consumer health organization involved in the issue. “We would like people who prefer a nutritional or non-drug approach to health care to have the same rights and privileges as those who prefer drug therapy.”

Protect your consumer right to freedom of choice in health care by contacting the BC Naturopathic Association at 604-736-6646 or and by visiting for a sample letter to send to politicians.

BC’s total provincial budget: $26 billion.

BC’s budget for health-care delivery and services:$10 billion.

Money spent on naturopathic services in 2001, before they were cut out of the Medical Services Plan: $1.5 million.

Money spent to upgrade nursing services announced December 2002: $21.5 million.



This Is So Meta

This Is So Meta

Kenny BodanisKenny Bodanis