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Prostate Care


While most men around the world do not have prostate problems, 90 per cent of North American males will suffer from a prostatic illness by the time they reach age 60.

While most men around the world do not have prostate problems, 90 percent of North American males will suffer from a prostatic illness by the time they reach age 60. What in the Western world is causing increases in prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer?

While there are many things that can turn a healthy prostate into a troubled one, major factors include the diet, polluted air and water, level of stress, sexual attitudes and lifestyle that are part of the Western culture. It's also important to note two additional key issues hidden infections in the mouth (often left behind after a root canal) and toxicity from amalgam (mercury) fillings. I have found problems in the mouth to be a secondary factor only to diet when it comes to prostate deterioration. (Consult the advice of a biological dentist for help in clearing up dental factors.)

Six Steps to a Healthy Prostate

Though it can be tempting to look for a quick fix, such as surgery or pills, when confronting prostate problems, experience shows that this often isn't the wisest course. The state of medical treatment for prostate problems is generally poor. For instance, men facing prostate cancer may be shocked by the side-effects they experience after radical prostatectomy surgery, such as incontinence or impotence.

The good news is that there are alternatives. What I've learned from my own experience with prostate cancer and my work with other men is that self-care can make a dramatic difference--both in terms of prevention and treatment. Don't leave the fate of your prostate in the hand of others; instead take an active role in caring for this vital gland. Here are six steps you can take to promote a high level of prostate health.

Step 1. Make high quality food a priority. It's best to buy foods in their natural state for instance, mostly raw, organic, non-engineered produce and to refuse to accept substitutes, such as artificial sweeteners or packaged foods with chemical additives. Also, buy pure water collected from a natural, clean source.

Step 2. Cleanse your body by fasting. My own prostate cancer reoccurred before I learned the importance of colon cleansing. Now fully recovered, I recommend doing a fast twice a year.

Step 3. Reduce stress regularly. Men with prostate problems notice that their symptoms get worse during more stressful times. The reason? Stress causes the body to tighten up. This reduces the prostate gland's ability to cleanse itself.

Step 4. Develop a more positive and open attitude about sex. Regular sex helps keep the prostate healthy. Why? This gland produces fluid that becomes part of the ejaculate, and the fluid gets stagnant when it's not used. Openness can also be helpful when discussing performance problems resulting from current prostate ailments.

Step 5. Select the most effective prostate supplements. Many men reach only for saw palmetto when they have a prostate problem. Coenzyme Q10, an important natural element in the body that declines with age, can also work as both a preventive and cleansing agent.

Step 6. Exercise regularly. Staying active promotes stronger circulation throughout your body, including the prostate gland. Exercise will also help reduce stress. Walking is a good choice and should involve a cardiovascular and stretching component. Using a rebounder also stimulates the lymphatic system. Each man should select the activities that he will actually do regularly.

Monitoring Prostate Health

Considering the burdens on the prostate today, it's wise to keep track of its state of health. There are a number of tests that can help. First, most men may want to have a prostate specific antigen (PSA) test and an expressed prostatic secretion (EPS) test done at age 45 and every year after age 50. The first tests will serve as benchmarks to which later results can be compared.

Another good number to watch is the albumin level a blood protein that's measured as part of regular blood work-ups. Physicians usually ignore albumin, even though it can be a great indicator of one's overall health status. Albumin is low in men suffering from cancer. Conversely, cancer is not seen in men with albumin results higher than 4.4.

Men who have cleansed and removed any potential dental factors may want to utilize a biological terrain assessment (BTA) test to see if they have been able to reverse the acidity of the body. Saliva and morning urine are analyzed using special equipment (by a practitioner) to provide a reading of your unique inner "terrain." Among other things, the reading will show the body's state of acidity. The ultimate goal of self-care is to prevent and treat disease by returning the body to a state of pH balance.

There are many ways that men can both prevent and fight back prostate challenges. Cleaning up one's diet, cleansing, maintaining dental health, reducing stress, developing healthy attitudes and utilizing the right supplements can make a real difference. Sure, these steps require some effort, but aren't the basics of reliable urinary function and healthy performance worth a little maintenance? Unfortunately, there are plenty of men who learned too late that the answer to this question is a hearty "Yes!"

Prostate and Diet

One major problem with the Western diet is found in the toxic nature of many foods. For instance, a June 6, 2001, article in the Los Angeles Times noted the increasing presence of E. coli bacteria in meats delivered to groceries and restaurants. This particular bacteria often shows up in prostatitis patients and is thought to reside in meat due to the farming and slaughtering practices of the West. Unfortunately governments are increasingly turning to food irradiation a dangerous process as the solution to rid foods of such food-borne pathogens.

Interestingly, a 1998 study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that men who ate the most meat and dairy products were more likely to die of prostate cancer. Both of these foods contain active hormones as well as powerful antibiotics, herbicides and pesticides, which the body must process and which have a cumulative negative effect on the prostate.

Another dietary factor affecting the prostate is the growing number of food additives used in processed foods. These manmade chemical additives further burden this male sex gland. In addition, beverages such as alcohol, coffee and soda can worsen symptoms.



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