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Smart Fun in the Sun


Smart Fun in the Sun

All winter long you’ve waited for the sun, and here it is–but wait–aren’t you supposed to avoid the sun? Instead of avoiding our largest source of energy, follow these friendly tips to help you enjoy this summer outside!

All winter long you’ve waited for the sun, and here it is–but wait–aren’t you supposed to avoid the sun? Instead of avoiding our largest source of energy, follow these friendly tips to help you enjoy this summer outside!

The Bright Side of the Sun

We hear much about the dangers of the sun. While it is true that severe burns may lead to melanoma, the sun can also prevent cancer if exposure levels are safe. Moderate exposure to the sun promotes the formation of vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D is actually a steroid-hormone precursor that is formed when skin is exposed to sunlight. Research shows that vitamin D from sunlight is protective against multiple sclerosis and breast and colon cancers.

Skin Defenders

Respecting the power of the sun is a must. For the first few weeks of bright sun and heat, introduce your skin to the rays slowly. Start out with 10 minutes two to three times daily, and allow your skin to darken slowly, creating a natural outer resistance to the sun.

Our most powerful skin protection comes from the inside out. Every cell membrane in the body can be strengthened by consuming fresh, unrefined essential fatty acids (EFA). A plant-based EFA oil contains antioxidants and fat-soluble nutrients that can act as protectors to your skin cells. Other important skin protectors and healers are carotenes, vitamin E (with mixed tocopherols), vitamin C, selenium, zinc, sulphur (MSM is a good source), and plenty of fresh vegetables.

One of my favourite skin defenders is an antioxidant called oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC) from grape-seed extract. OPC molecules strengthen collagen proteins, improving the elasticity of skin. OPCs inhibit oxidative damage and protect the epidermis from sun damage.

The following homeopathic remedies are not used to protect skin, but should be in your natural first-aid kit for the treatment of minor sunburns and heatstroke.

Super Sunburn Remedies

Calendula cream or gel can soothe and repair all types of minor burns. Sunburns will heal quickly with topical applications of calendula and will prevent scarring.

  • Hypericum spray is useful for painful burns and can be applied frequently. Hypericum spray can be easily made by diluting Hypericum pellets ( 6C, 12C, or 30C) into distilled water. Use a new and clean small spray bottle.
  • Urtica urens can be taken internally for continuous stinging pain from sunburn or burns with itching and swelling.
  • Causticum can be taken internally for severe cases of great pain and restlessness (blisters along with red skin and pain).
  • Cantharis is used for severe (second- and third-degree) burns.

We are often so concerned about sunburns and skin cancer that many of us overlook the risk for the dismal experience of heatstroke, which can be potentially life threatening. It is vital to consume water frequently while outdoors. There are also electrolyte-balancing products available at health food stores that can be added to water to prevent dehydration.

Help with Heatstroke

  • Aconite is the first remedy to use if there is fever with confusion and fear or anxiety.
  • Belladonna is for heatstroke with burning of the skin, a throbbing headache, and dilated pupils. The person feels better when bending the head back, sitting quietly, and keeping the head uncovered.
  • Bryonia is helpful for heatstroke with a severe headache that is aggravated by the slightest movement.
  • Cuprum met is good for treating someone who sweats profusely, loses too much salt, and gets cramps in both stomach and legs.
  • Glonoinum is for heatstroke with a throbbing, splitting headache, a hot face, sweaty skin, and a fever with waves of heat. The symptoms are worse when bending the head back and applying cold water.

Be Sun Smart

Soak up those rays and know that healthy sun exposure will energize you and help your body formulate disease-fighting vitamin D. Get outside with your hat, shades, and a tall glass of water. Don’t forget to bring along your homeopathic first-aid kit–and have a great summer!



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