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Stop Allergies in Their Tracks


For most individuals, allergies are a seasonal or situational problem causing unbearable symptoms

For most individuals, allergies are a seasonal or situational problem causing unbearable symptoms. The pollens of spring or your friend's cat may be the reason for itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing, wheezing and more. Yet for many people allergy symptoms never seem to abate. They are a constant problem. Common environmental exposures and foods trigger their allergies and promote asthmatic attacks.

The immune system causes the allergic symptoms in its bid to rid the body of what it sees as invaders. This is not a normal response and occurs only in those individuals who have a hyper-stimulated immune system. In an allergy-prone person, when the immune system encounters an allergen such as pollen, a certain cell called the T-helper-2 cell releases an immune factor called interleukin-4 (IL-4). Interleukin-4 then tells mast cells to release histamine. We all know that histamine is responsible for the symptoms experienced; watery eyes, itchy skin and more.

In asthmatics the situation is even worse. Not only does the immune system release IL-4 but also an immune factor called interleukin-6 (IL-6). In asthmatics this causes lung tissue damage and if not controlled can lead to reliance on steroid medications and puffers.

Sterols and Sterolins

The key to halting allergies in their tracks is to stop interleukin-4 from being released in the first place and controlling interleukin-6. A simple plant nutrient called sterols and sterolins has been shown in clinical studies to halt the release of IL-4, therefore histamine is not released and allergies are controlled. As well sterols and sterolins normalize the release of IL-6 and protect lung tissue from further destruction.

Plant sterols and sterolins are found in all our fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. They have been researched both for their effects on the immune system and to lower cholesterol. They were discovered in 1922 and have over 4,000 published medical studies, including 120 double-blind, placebo-controlled studies in humans. I personally experienced the benefits of plant sterols and sterolins. I had unbearable hay fever caused by tree pollens. Every spring I would be incapacitated with allergy symptoms. Antihistamines did little to control the symptoms and left me feeling exhausted. I tried every natural product and even resorted to hypnosis, all with no symptom relief. I began taking plant sterols and sterolins in March of 1998 and had no hay fever symptoms that spring. It has been three allergy seasons now and still no allergies whatsoever!

Professor Bouic, head immunologist at Stellenbosch University, Cape Town South Africa has been researching the powerful effects of plant sterols/ sterolins for the last 15 years. He and other researchers have shown that this simple plant nutrient normalizes and balances the release of IL-4 and IL-6, therefore stopping the whole allergic response at the source of the problem.

Take on an Empty Stomach

For optimal absorption sterols and sterolins have to be taken on an empty stomach. Do not drink it with milk. For one week adults take two capsules three times per day on an empty stomach this is called the loading phase. Thereafter take one capsule three times per day. Babies and toddlers to age five, take one capsule per day. The contents of the capsule can be opened and mixed with juice or water. For five-to-12-year-olds, take one capsule in the morning and one before bed. Twelve years of age and up take the adult dose.

Long term safety studies have been performed and have found no toxicity and no drug interactions. It was safe for pregnant and nursing moms and children. The only people who cannot take plant sterols are those who have had an organ transplant.

Allergies and asthma no longer need to cause so much distress. Plant sterols and sterolins are an effective method of controlling allergies at the source our immune system.



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