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Victory Over the Baby Blues


Victory Over the Baby Blues

Victory Over the Baby Blues Despite the joy felt by the birth of a precious little one, many women experience a period of despondency within days of this wondrous event.

Despite the joy felt by the birth of a precious little one, many women experience a period of despondency within days of this wondrous event. While this may be somewhat disturbing, it is a relatively normal phenomenon. Most postpartum depression is not serious and eventually disappears by itself.

The new mom is adjusting to the unusual demands on her time and energy. Her reality suddenly and dramatically changes as the focus of everyone’s attention shifts from her needs to the needs of her newborn. If her expectations of her pregnancy, birth and motherhood prove different to her reality, there may be feelings of disappointment, anger or guilt, or she may just be experiencing some fear around the awesome responsibility of parenting. Depending on the intensity of her labor, her energy levels may be dramatically depleted. All of these possiblities, combined with the shift taking place in her hormonal system, can cause a psychological low that may last for days or weeks.

While post partum depression is not a debilitating condition for most mothers, it may become a concern if it continues beyond a few days of weepiness and feeling down-hearted. Episodes of anger, nightmares and extremes in appetite may be experienced as part of this emotional condition. However, in extreme cases, postpartum depression may become prolonged. Extended symptoms include withdrawal from family, friends and even from her infant, extremes in behavior, suicidal thoughts or deep and lingering melancholy.

The situation may also be further exacerbated by the stress of pregnancy and/or labor.

The Right Remedy

Homeopathy is an ideal therapeutic choice for the relief of postpartum depression. It addresses the totality of symptoms being experienced by a woman on all levels of her being. Taking into account her current physical, mental and emotional state, the correctly chosen homeopathic remedy has the potential to affect her deeply by bringing her whole system back into balance.

Sepia is the remedy to use when a woman feels overwhelmed and irritable and becomes depressed and uncommunicative after the birth, with uncontrolled weeping. She may be indifferent and sarcastic to her loved ones, with an aversion to being touched and a desire to be alone. She will often find relief in exercise or vigorous occupation, even though she is exhausted and constipated.

Pulsatilla helps when her moods are changeable and she is very weepy, with a need for company and consolation. She tends to be a timid, dependent person who likes to please others. She may feel worse in warm rooms or in the evening. She often doesn’t feel thirsty and is aggravated by eating fatty foods.

Kali carb is useful when there is much weakness, irritability and mood swings after the birth with great sensitivity to touch and to any changes in the weather. She tends to be a conservative, moral, dogmatic person with a strong sense of duty and a fear of losing control. She may worry a lot, feels her emotions in her stomach and often talks to herself.

Ignatia brings relief to a woman who broods after the birth, accompanied by moods swings and deep sighing. She may be experiencing feelings of disappointment, anger or grief or may be reacting to something that caused feelings of fright or shame. She often has high expectations, with a strong sense of duty and a tendency to eat when feeling stressed.

Natrum mur is for more deep-seated grief, when she weeps at the slightest provocation, but tries to conceal it or feels sad, but is unable to weep. She tends to be vulnerable, easily offended, defensive, desires to be alone and rejects consolation. She may be a closed, responsible, serious type of person with a tendency to dwell upon past occurrences and often craves salty foods.

The above are just a few of the wide range of homeopathic remedies that bring relief to postpartum depression. Each remedy has its own unique symptom picture which must be closely matched to that being experienced by the individual. Many self-help homeopathic books are available at health food stores that give more detailed information on each remedy. However, when chronic or prolonged symptoms are being experienced, it is best to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner.



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