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An Army of Defence


An Army of Defence

Rebounding is the ultimate exercise to turn on the body's natural defence system. According to Dr. Arthur .

An Army of Defence

Rebounding is the ultimate exercise to turn on the body's natural defence system. According to Dr. Arthur C. Guyton's Textbook of Medical Physiology (Saunders, 1986), exercise can increase the number of white blood cells up to 14 times their normal amount. That's an able army to fight any battle.

Two Minutes Every Hour

Gently bouncing on the rebounder for two minutes every hour is the ideal protocol for possible defence against cancer and other serious health challenges, such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and varicose veins, and for health maintenance. Within just two minutes, the entire lymphatic system is flushed, creating a demand for more lymphocytes, including killer T-cells. The white blood-cell count is increased during this two-minute rebounding session, creating an army of defence to destroy cancer cells.

Within one hour after rebounding, the white blood-cell count returns to normal, so it is time to rebound again to flush the lymphatic system and create another army to boost the immune system. The object of this pattern is to keep the immune system operating optimally and naturally, hour after hour, day after day.

The practice of rebounding is done with the health bounce, in which the feet are kept on the mat and a gentle bouncing motion is maintained for up to two minutes. The stabilizer bar can be attached to the rebounder to add security, safety, and balance for those who are weak or unsteady.

If endurance is low, start with less than two minutes of bouncing, and work up to the optimal two minutes over a period of a few weeks. Finding your threshold for healthy bouncing is important to avoid overdoing it. Time your initial bouncing session with the second hand of a watch or clock. If dizziness, pain, weakness, or other discomfort occurs before two minutes have elapsed, stop bouncing, noting the interval that was bounced. Whatever the time interval, from a few seconds to two minutes, that is your threshold for health bouncing. Use that time interval every hour each day for up to one week, gradually working up to the two-minute session, as you feel comfortable.

The Power Behind the Bounce

Because rebounding provides a compact force on cells, it is important to respect the power of the bounce when rebounding. Even though bouncing feels easy and fun, you are gaining important benefits. Overdoing this exercise is not helpful.

When you bounce, you come down with a greater force, so that you weigh more at the bottom of the bounce. You are accelerating and decelerating in line with gravity, so that the body works with, and adjusts to, a triple force of gravity. The body adapts by becoming stronger, just as muscles become stronger when repeatedly stressed.

Strengthens Body and Breathing Too

Rebounding strengthens each cell of the body. Every cell process is enhanced, allowing each organ to do its job more efficiently. Digestion and absorption are also enhanced. Elimination is improved, better removing toxins from the body.

Remember to breathe deeply while bouncing and to exhale as completely as possible, making room for more air with each new breath. As you rebound and breathe deeply, you can train yourself to breathe properly when you are not on the rebounder.

An abundant supply of oxygen to the cells seems to be a defence against cancer, and because rebound exercise is an oxygenating exercise, regular bouncing throughout the day supplies an increased amount of oxygen to all the cells of the body simultaneously.

Only the Best Rebounder

A true rebounder is not a toy. It is a piece of exercise equipment designed to promote the body's natural healing. A quality, well-made rebounder, selected and used properly, will not jeopardize your health in any way.

Enlist this exercise equipment to boost your immune system and improve your health in the face of cancer or other serious health challenges.



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