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Choosing the Right Fats


Choosing the Right Fats

by Udo Erasmus64 pages, softcover, $10.95 Alive Books, Vancouver It would be hard to recommend a book about healthy fats written by anyone other than Udo Erasmus.

Choosing the Right Fats

by Udo Erasmus64 pages, softcover, $10.95
Alive Books, Vancouver

It would be hard to recommend a book about healthy fats written by anyone other than Udo Erasmus. He is the same pioneer who authored the cornerstone of modern fats and oils research, Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill (alive Books, 1993). Udo has since developed new pressing and packaging technologies--revolutionizing the healthy oils industry--to maintain the essential nutrients in sensitive omega-3 and omega-6 blends that we, as consumers, have come to expect from our oils.

Following on this groundbreaking work is Choosing the Right Fats--a book we all need to read. Udo distills decades of nutritional research and development into a simple, handy guide for the average cook to make the best choices about fats and oils. By learning why our bodies need essential fats freshly pressed from nuts and seeds, we are much more inclined to make appropriate, healthier choices while shopping.

What happens when our bodies don't get enough essential fatty acids? Where do we find these fats in our diets? How much healthy oil should we take daily? Which is better--flax, sunflower or sesame oil? Can these fats really help burn calories? Udo addresses all these questions and many more in this new alive Natural Health Guide. In addition, he provides testimonials and specific instructions for using essential fats in athletic performance. Pets also benefit greatly from Udo's expertise: you can learn how healthy oil supplementation works wonders on conditions such as hair loss, dandruff and skin inflammations in dogs, cats, horses and other pets, too.

Choosing the right fats is vital to good health, but equally important and challenging is knowing how to integrate them into our diets. Most of us need help with this stage of dietary transition, and here the guide becomes indispensable. Together with whole foods chef Fred Edrissi, Udo presents a selection of beautiful, simple, healthful recipes. Salad dressings provide a great opportunity for creatively blending the healing oils now available at health food stores everywhere. Delightful soup, pasta and fish dishes offer even more opportunities to put the right fats on your plate.

The vital oily juices of nuts and seeds provide a concentrated form of health insurance we can all afford to learn about. Simply reading this book will take you a long way in understanding the role of essential fats in the body. The right choices will soon become second nature, leaving you free to enjoy improved lifestyle and health.

For more information on Choosing the Right Fats by Udo Erasmus, or any of the other Natural Health Guides, please contact your local health food store, call alive Books at 1-800-663-6513 or search "Natural Health Guides" at We invite your feedback at



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