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If You Don't Want a Flu Shot


If You Don't Want a Flu Shot

Not everyone feels comfortable getting a flu shot. Fortunately, when working properly, the immune system has a remarkable arsenal of weapons that can help us fight off the flu and common cold.

Not everyone feels comfortable getting a flu shot. Fortunately, when working properly, the immune system has a remarkable arsenal of weapons that can help us fight off the flu and common cold.

Despite significant exposure, many of us rarely catch a cold or get sick during cold and flu season. With a strong immune system, we are safe from attack by all but the most virulent micro-organisms. Even if infection does gain a foothold, our immune system is capable of mounting an effective counterattack.

Aiding Immunity

Whether you get a flu shot or not, it is important to boost your immune system during the winter months. The principles involved are quite simple. The first goal is to make sure that you provide the immune system with vital ammunition by consuming a health- promoting diet and utilizing proper nutritional supplementation. A deficiency of virtually any single nutrient can significantly impair immunity. Next, follow a healthy lifestyle that includes getting enough sleep and engaging in a regular exercise program.

Supplying optimal nutrition and learning to effectively deal with stress go a long way toward keeping the immune system functioning in an optimal state. Boosting the immune system not only increases your resistance to colds, flu, and other infections but may also protect against cancer and other potentially deadly diseases.

A Herbal Helper

Over 300 scientific investigations have shown echinacea to exert significant effects on immune function. However, not all of the clinical studies have been positive. Mixed results are most likely due to lack of or insufficient quantity of active compounds in the herbal formulas that were tested.

Chemical analysis of commercial echinacea preparations has demonstrated tremendous variation in the levels of key compounds, even from batch to batch within the same product. Echinacea must be grown properly, harvested at the right time, and extracted properly to ensure maximum levels of all active compounds.

An echinacea product standardized for effective levels of polysaccharides, cichoric acid, and alkylamides is not only useful in boosting immune function to prevent colds and flu but can also be used to shorten the severity and duration of these illnesses. Simply follow the dosage indications on the manufacturer’s label.

Boosting Your Immune System

A healthy lifestyle is essential for immunity. Be sure to eat a healthy diet, get exercise, avoid toxins, maintain your appropriate body weight, and get enough sleep.

  • Stress lowers immunity. Take steps to manage stress. Practise techniques to activate the
    relaxation response, such as breathing exercises, visualization, or meditation.
  • Avoid refined sugars and saturated fats, but make sure you get plenty of quality protein and essential fatty acids.
  • Take a high-quality vitamin and mineral supplement. Vitamins C and E, B vitamins, zinc, and selenium are especially important.
  • Take a clinically proven echinacea product.


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