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Natural Supplements for Children


The vast majority of pediatricians and naturopathic doctors agree that a healthy eating program combined with nutritional and herbal supplements can make a positive difference in all aspects of your child's life. Whether you're six or 96, a daily multivitamin and mineral is the cornerstone of any effective supplement program.

The vast majority of pediatricians and naturopathic doctors agree that a healthy eating program combined with nutritional and herbal supplements can make a positive difference in all aspects of your child's life. Whether you're six or 96, a daily multivitamin and mineral is the cornerstone of any effective supplement program.

Starting with a multi and adding other nutritional factors is one of the best ways to build your child's supplement program. Choose a high-quality brand that provides a full range of vitamins and minerals but does not contain artificial colours, flavours, or sweeteners.

More is Not Better

Children have very sensitive systems, and it is especially important not to exceed the recommended dosage without the advice of your health practitioner. Keep all supplements in a childproof cupboard.

Healthy, happy children are priceless treasures. Safeguard your treasures by feeding them organic, whole foods and making sure they drink ample amounts of purified water, get plenty of exercise in fresh air and sunshine, and last, but not least, take their

You'll Find Many of the Following Nutritional Ingredients in Children's Multiple Vitamins and Minerals.

Pro vitamin A, ideally derived from natural mixed carotenoids, is an antioxidant that helps protect children from environmental pollutants. Choose a children's multi that includes a blend of 100-percent natural carotenoids. Cod liver oil is another excellent source of Vitamin A.

B vitamins are essential to a child's health and growth. Folic acid, B6, and B12 are especially important to the lifelong health of your child's heart and cardiovascular system.

Vitamin C not only fights infections, it helps form strong bones, teeth, gums, and connective tissue. The amount of vitamin C in a multi may not be enough for all children, depending on their age and their daily intake of fresh fruit and vegetables. The ideal vitamin C supplement includes rutin, quercetin, hesperidin, and bioflavonoids.

Children love the sweet-tart taste of chewable vitamin C.

Vitamin D insufficiency is a growing problem in North America. Children using sunscreens and spending less time outside are not getting enough of this sunshine vitamin, which is critical for building strong bones and teeth and aiding normal hormone synthesis in children.

Vitamin E in children's multiples should ideally come from 100-percent natural mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols. This antioxidant protects against cellular damage.

Calcium and magnesium are two of the most important minerals for children. Multis alone cannot provide adequate amounts. Suboptimal levels of calcium contribute to aching bones and joints, poor tooth development, and leg muscle cramps. Magnesium is equally important in regulating heartbeat and muscle and nerve impulses. Taken at bedtime, a chewable calcium-magnesium and vitamin D tablet combination will ensure a deeper and more relaxed sleep for children and teens.

Zinc is included in all quality children's multiples, but fighting colds and other infections can increase the body's need for zinc. As an immune booster, zinc helps reduce susceptibility to infection. A great acne-fighter, zinc speeds the natural healing process in general. Lozenges are a good way to give children additional zinc. Take zinc on a full stomach or it may cause nausea.

Chromium is especially important for teenagers, helping normalize insulin levels and reduce sugar cravings. If your child is diabetic or hypoglycemic, consult your physician before taking chromium supplementation above what is found in a multi.

Iron is an optional mineral in complete multis for children. Only choose a multi with iron if you know your child requires an iron supplement. For children with low iron or iron anemia, an additional liquid iron tonic is ideal, as it is better absorbed and nonconstipating.

Selenium is an antioxidant usually included in children's multis. The synergistic combination of vitamins C and E and the minerals zinc and selenium make an especially powerful foursome for children fighting cancer.

Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation in the form of fish oils or flaxseed oil has shown remarkable benefits for children with symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), attention deficit disorder (ADD), dyslexia, and developmental coordination disorder (DCD). These highly unsaturated fatty acids improve concentration and reduce behavioural problems.

Evening primrose oil and borage oil provide essential fatty acids that can improve childhood skin conditions including eczema, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis. Take extra vitamin B6 and zinc (from citrate or chelate sources) for optimal results.

Herbal remedies for children are best used under the guidance of a qualified natural health care provider or herbalist. Many herbs provide effective, well-tolerated remedies for a variety of children's ailments. Several natural product companies that specialize in herbal preparations now make herbal liquid remedies specifically for children. Echinacea in a pleasant-tasting liquid is the foundation for children's herbal remedies. Herbal teas also help a variety of children's complaints.

Homeopathic remedies are recognized as one of the most ideal natural medicines for children. Nontoxic and easy to take, the sweet, tiny tablets melt under the tongue. Since homeopathy is a highly specialized system of treatment, it is ideal to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner or health advisor in order to secure the best remedies for your child's needs.



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