No bird, fish, insect, cactus or blade of grass can sustain life without water. Dry out a living cell and it will die of its own waste products. It must have liquid! Water is the carrier of nutrients and energy into every cell..
In the human body, water is essentially the most crucial factor in maintaining health and vitality. At birth our body is 90 percent water, decreasing to 75 percent hydration by the age of three. As we grow older, water levels can dip as low as 65 percent. Dr Paul C. Bragg, health pioneer as a life extension specialist and author of The Miracles of Fasting, states that to lose a tenth of our body’s water supply is dangerous–to lose a fifth can be fatal! Losing water disturbs body functions and impairs the chemical and physical processes necessary to good health.
Keep in mind that the body is roughly 75 percent water and 25 percent matter. Two thirds of the water is inside the body’s cells and one third is outside the cells, either in the blood stream (as plasma), in body cavities or between the cells (as tissue fluid). The brain tissue is said to consist of 85 to 90 percent water and the blood 90 percent water. Even our bones consist of 30 to 40 percent water!
Think about it. Some of us take two showers a day, treat ourselves to ozone therapy to sweat out grime and toxins, go to spas and take aromatherapy baths to relax our tired muscles and soothe our withered spirits from the stress of life. We wash our clothes, cars, dishes and animals on the outside and yet we forget to wash the inside of our bodies. You may be tired of hearing "drink at least six to eight glasses of water per day," but it’s true. We were never taught why we should and need to understand the importance of an internal bath with pure water.
How Your Body Uses Water
Let’s start with the ingestion of food in the mouth. Between seven and 11 quarts of water are needed just for proper digestion. When we break this down, it measures out to three pints of saliva and two quarts of gastric juices, plus an equivalent amount as bile and other glandular and intestinal secretions.
It’s impossible for food to be digested without water! A chemical process called hydrolysis goes on in your body. It involves changing proteins, starches and fats into foods that certain cells require to work properly.
When food enters the mouth, water stimulates the saliva to start the digestion of carbohydrates. The gastric juices in the stomach, which are 90 percent water, help facilitate the absorption of solids, bringing the food into a liquid state. (The mucus that lines your stomach, protecting it from the hydrochloric acid, is 98 percent water. When you have too little water, this mucus barrier sloughs off and the stomach acid eats away at the stomach cells.) Food is then passed to the upper section of the small intestine where enzymes, liver secretions and the pancreas, which is 90 percent water, finish the digestion process.
Food is absorbed into the small and large intestinal walls in a watery state. The largest part of absorption itself occurs in the colon. If water is not absorbed, especially in infants who only carry a small water supply, it’s passed as waste. Diarrhea, dehydration, bad digestion and even death can occur.
When the food is absorbed, water’s first job is to transfer the newly digested food to cells through the blood stream. There are about 10 pounds of blood in your body. When the cells are fed, the wastes have to be washed away.
Elimination’s the Name of the Game
The kidney’s elimination function at this point is extremely important. All the blood passes through filtering organs which remove uric acid, toxins and a vast number of harmful chemicals. The urinary system cleans the blood and regulates the amount of water in your body. To do this effectively requires water. For every quart of water passed through the kidneys, one-and-a-half ounces of waste are carried with it. Kidneys demand water. Even when there is no supply they are forced to supply water through dehydration. This is an important reason for drinking more water.
Another eliminating organ is our lungs. Oxygen cannot be absorbed through the lungs unless the tiny air sacs in the lung wall are moist. When blood enters the lungs, it releases toxic gases, which are then eliminated as we exhale the stale, used air. If the lungs are not moist, the expulsion of carbon dioxide cannot happen. The body uses about a pint of water every day solely through exhalation. When the air is dry more water is lost.
These eliminating organs are supported by the circulatory and lymphatic systems. They become sluggish due to insufficient water and lack of exercise. Waste products are left behind in the tissues. The skin is the largest organ of elimination and under dry conditions, the body loses up to a quart an hour through perspiration alone. This water must be replaced.
A Waterfall of Uses
Water acts as a cooling system, regulating the temperature of your body. It’s a lubricant, permitting organs to slide against each other. It helps bones slip in their joints. It also acts as a shock absorber for injuries and it’s the single most important catalyst in achieving permanent weight loss.
Dr F. Batmanghelidjs, author of Your Body’s Many Cries for Water, argues that most of us are chronically dehydrated. In addition, as you get older, your sense of thirst does not work properly. Dr Batmanghelidjs believes that dehydration is the root of many illnesses. Everything from low back pain to migraine headaches, constipation, dizziness, fatigue, muscular pain, arthritis, osteoporosis, angina, high blood cholesterol, allergies, asthma and cramp-like pain in the legs due to a build up of chemical residues and insufficient blood supply. And, since your brain tissue relies heavily on an ample water supply, maybe you’re not really getting old and forgetful. Studies have shown that with prolonged dehydration brain cells actually begin to shrink!
Soda pop and coffee are not acceptable water substitutes. In fact, both act as dehydrating agents. Try an internal bath of water first thing in the morning instead of coffee. Rinse your mouth with clean, pure room temperature water and then drink a cup of warm water. This flushes the toxicity accumulated through the night.
Think of a glacial mountain with fresh, pure, clean, alkaline running water, ideally with a pH of 7.4 to 8.0, electrically charged and with a low surface tension that can be easily absorbed into the cells. It’s the internal cleansing needed for longevity.