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Appreciating Aging


Appreciating Aging

It’s Senior Citizens Day - take a moment to appreciate the seniors in your life, and to look towards your own golden years.

Today is Senior Citizens Day—take a moment today to appreciate the seniors in your life, and to look toward making your own golden years the shiniest that they can be.

Between the constant perceived threat of forgetfulness, wrinkles, and loneliness, aging is often seen as a process to be avoided. At the ripe old age of 21, I’m no firsthand expert on the subject, but I have a wonderful role model—at the tender young age of 70-something, my beloved grandmother is doing outdoor yoga, going for long bike rides, hitting up film festivals, and even travelling to Bhutan in the fall.

So for Senior Citizens Day, I’m going to take the time to remind her how inspiring I find her, and maybe even indulge in a joint activity or two. Whether you’re appreciating your grandparents, your parents, a family friend, a neighbour, or even yourself today, there a multitude of ways to learn more about aging and celebrate the wisdom that comes along with it. Check out:

Of course, there are some aspects of aging that are beyond our control, but it doesn’t mean that we are powerless in making it as rich of a process as possible, no matter where we currently are in our life spans. A recent Canadian study linked healthy behaviours in midlife (such as exercising regularly, eating lots of fruits and veggies, and limiting alcohol consumption) with better mobility, cognitive skills, respiratory function, and mental health, as well as lower rates of chronic diseases later on in life.

The choices we make now can really affect the outcomes we experience later. So today, appreciate the process of aging, whether by spending time with a special senior in your life or thinking about what lifestyle changes you can make to smooth your own transition into the golden years.

And Grandma, if you’re reading this—you’re the best!



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