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Step Out with a Pedometer


Step Out with a Pedometer

How many steps do you take in a day? Studies show that Canadians take an average of 3,000 to 4,000 steps a day, and according to Health Canada, thatâ??s too few.

How many steps do you take in a day? Studies show that Canadians take an average of 3,000 to 4,000 steps a day, and according to Health Canada, that’s too few. In fact, 7,000 steps too few!

So, how can you increase your step count, which, in turn, can decrease your risk of disease? Wear a pedometer on your waistband to keep track of the number of steps you take. This instant feedback will encourage you to keep moving.

Pedometer Pointers

1. Wear the pedometer straight and horizontal on your waistband. If the pedometer tilts, it becomes inaccurate.

2. Accuracy relates to counting the number of steps you take. No pedometer is perfect, so try conducting this test when purchasing one at the store:

  • Put the pedometer on as the manufacturer has indicated (usually clipped to your waistband over your dominant foot. If you don’t know what foot is your dominant one, observe yourself going upstairs three or four times. Most people will lead with the same foot each time–that is your dominant foot).
  • Walk 20 steps at your normal pace; then look at the pedometer. If your pedometer is accurate, it will read 19 to 21 steps.

3. Many pedometers appear to be most accurate at three miles per hour, so for frail or shuffling walkers, pedometers are not an effective tool.

Twelve-week, 5-K Beginner's Running Program

  Mon/Fri Tues/Thurs/Sat or Sun Wed
Week 1 Off Run 1 minute, walk 4 minutes, repeat 5 times Cross-train
Week 2 Off Run 1 minute, walk 4 minutes, repeat 5 times Cross-train
Week 3 Off Run 2 minute, walk 4 minutes, repeat 4 times Cross-train
Week 4 Off Run 3 minute, walk 3 minutes, repeat 4 times Cross-train
Week 5 Off Run 5 minute, walk 3 minutes, repeat 3 times Cross-train
Week 6 Off Run 7 minute, walk 3 minutes, repeat 2 times Cross-train
Week 7 Off Run 8 minute, walk 2 minutes, repeat 2 times Cross-train
Week 8 Off Run 9 minute, walk 2 minutes, repeat 2 times Cross-train
Week 9 Off Run 10 minute, walk 1 minutes, repeat 2 times Cross-train
Week 10 Off Run 14 minute, walk 1 minutes, repeat 1 times Cross-train
Week 11 Off Run 14 minute, walk 1 minutes, repeat 1 times Cross-train
Week 12 Off Run 30 minutes Cross-train


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