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Viva les Veggies


Ever since the Hunza tribe were studied in their Himalayan Shangri-La in the early 20th century, we, in the west, have been looking to other cultures for an anti-aging miracle. Recent research into the Okinawan peoples of Japan shows that eating whole grains, seaweed, and local fresh produce are other keys to long life..

Ever since the Hunza tribe were studied in their Himalayan Shangri-La in the early 20th century, we, in the west, have been looking to other cultures for an anti-aging miracle.

Recent research into the Okinawan peoples of Japan shows that eating whole grains, seaweed, and local fresh produce are other keys to long life. Studies of Mediterranean populations show the value of olive oil as a prevention strategy for heart disease and cancer.

Ultimately, we know that foods high in antioxidants help to slow the body's aging process by reducing free-radical damage. The aim is to consume more high antioxidant foods and less processed, refined, sugary, and deep-fried foods, all contributors to free-radical damage.

The Curried Zucchini Soup features some tried and true anti-aging ingredients such as yellow onions, which are high in the bioflavanoid quercetin (not so, white onions), and spinach, which contains four times more beta-carotene and three times more lutein than broccoli (although broccoli is great, too). The humble parsley in the Lentil and Potato Salad has high concentrations of the antioxidants monoterpene, phthalide, and polyacetylene.

Both recipes use olive oil. As a primary source of fat in the Mediterranean diet, it has protective effects against heart disease and cancer.

Just think, these fantastic international flavours may add years to your life.

Curried Zucchini Soup

Lentil and Potato Salad

Vegetable Quiche

Potluck Favourites

This quiche and salad combination will be the hit of your party. Once or twice a month I am asked to supply a dish for a potluck gathering, be it with friends or business colleagues. I try to prepare something that will stand out from the other contributions, which usually consist of too much meat and not enough whole food. I always prepare a vegetarian dish, which, not surprisingly, seems to disappear first.

Spinach Salad with Pine Nuts



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