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10 Ways to Regain Your Energy after Being Sick

Tips on how to fully recover after a cold or the flu


10 Ways to Regain Your Energy after Being Sick

Once your sniffles and sneezes are gone, you may expect to feel back to your old self again after a cold. Sometimes, though, it may take a few weeks before you fully rebound from being sick. You may feel drained and lingering fatigue after your cold, so we have some tips to regain your energy after being sick.



Restore nutrients

10 Ways to Regain Your Energy after Being Sick

You may not have had much of an appetite when you were sick, but now that you’re feeling better, restoring your body’s nutrients can help rebuild your strength. Complex carbohydrates, like oatmeal, take time to digest and release energy over several hours. Lean proteins, such as an egg or chicken, satisfy hunger while also sustaining energy. Foods high in fiber, like beans, are slow to digest and sustain energy. Adding omega-3 foods to your diet also provides you with steady energy levels.


Stay hydrated

10 Ways to Regain Your Energy after Being Sick

When you’re low on fluids, it can lead to dehydration making you feel weak and tired. Drinking enough water helps you stay hydrated. In addition to water, make sure you eat lots of fruits and vegetables to maintain your energy levels and keep electrolyte levels balanced.


Ease back into your workout routine

10 Ways to Regain Your Energy after Being Sick

Exercise is a natural way to boost energy. It gets oxygen-rich blood circulating throughout your body. Even though you may not be feeling up to it, try moving your body, even if it’s just for 10 minutes every day.


Carve out time to rest and relax

10 Ways to Regain Your Energy after Being Sick

Stress and fatigue are connected. Recovering from an illness takes time. If you’re struggling to bounce back, avoid doing too much and just relax. Instead of going out, stay in and watch a movie. If your boss asks you to take on another project, ask them if it’s okay to start next week. There’s no shame in taking a few extra days to recuperate.


Get enough sleep

10 Ways to Regain Your Energy after Being Sick

Experts agree you should get at least seven hours of sleep to boost your energy levels and support your body. When you don’t get enough sleep, you struggle to perform daily tasks that require extended amounts of energy. Not getting enough sleep on a regular basis can also lead to many health conditions, like diabetes and depression. To restore our energy to pre-illness levels, set aside at least seven hours per night for sleep. There are tips for sleep in case you struggle to get some shuteye.


Practice yoga or meditation

10 Ways to Regain Your Energy after Being Sick

People usually turn to yoga and meditation when looking for a way to relax, but did you know they can also help you restore your energy levels? In one study, participants were asked to practice Hatha yoga, meditate, and read. In as little as just 10 minutes, those who practiced yoga and meditation experienced similar, significant changes in mood and energy levels. If you aren’t sure how to get started, there are online videos and apps to guide you through a quick beginner practice.


Take a break from alcohol

10 Ways to Regain Your Energy after Being Sick

Alcohol acts as a sedative. If you’re already tired, it will further exhaust you. Despite that drowsy feeling, drinking can cause sleep disruptions. A few hours after drinking, your body increase epinephrine, a stress hormone that causes your heart rate to increase and stimulates the body. As mentioned above, lack of sleep will make you even more tired.


Limit your sugar intake

10 Ways to Regain Your Energy after Being Sick

You probably already know the dangers of consuming too much sugar. It’s bad for your heart, liver, and skin, and it can also have a negative impact on your mood. While sugar will give you a burst of energy, it quickly fades and you “crash” a little while after eating it. You’re left feeling anxious and jittery. If you’re still not fully recovered from being sick, eating extra sugar may make you feel even more tired. Stick with fruit for now until your body can handle the occasional sugary treat with more energy.


Get some sun

10 Ways to Regain Your Energy after Being Sick

Sunlight boosts serotonin levels in the brain and gives you more energy. It can also help you focus and stay calm. Experts suggest spending about 15 to 30 minutes in the sun. If you want to spend more time outside, check with your doctor and always make sure you apply high-quality sunscreen.


Ask for help

10 Ways to Regain Your Energy after Being Sick

If you still aren’t feeling well after being sick, there’s no harm in asking for help. To recover properly, you may need some extra support. Asking a friend to watch your kids or having your partner cook dinner are a few simple ways the people are around you can help.



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